Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Economics for fifth graders.

Arthur Foulkes from the Mises Institute brings us a great and simple lesson in basic economics.

Lesson 1: Trade
Lesson 2: Money
Lesson 3: Savings
Lesson 4: Competition
Lesson 5: Price

"But when are you going to get to the economics?"

It was the end of my first day volunteering to teach "basic economics" to a group of fifth graders. The teacher looked bemused as she asked the question.

"That's what I'm doing," I whispered a little curtly in reply.

Realizing her offense, she quickly explained her meaning: "You know, with all the graphs and big words and stuff."

I realized this teacher was under the common misperception (perpetuated by most economics professors) that economics is about math, models, and strange lands where a complete lack of real competition is called "perfect competition" and it is possible to visualize (and measure) human happiness using "utility curves."

Go read it all.

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